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Clinical Research

Prime Meridian Healthcare has gathered a world-class research team to explore and develop novel approaches to healthcare and wellness that have a measurable and immediate impact on individual, family, and population health.

Holistic & Integrative Therapies

We apply clinical and practice-based research to improve our integrative care models continuously. We use the latest evidence-based medicine combined with proven holistic and complementary treatment modalities as the basis for our study.

Focus on Chronic Disease

We study the underlying causes of lifestyle-related chronic disease. In addition, our research addresses the drivers of behavior change, the improvement of human support systems, and the incorporation of technology-enabled solutions.

Natural Product Research

We draw upon our extensive knowledge and resources in natural products and essential oils to prove the purity, safety, and efficacy of natural products as healthcare and wellness solutions.

Interested in participating in one of our clinical trials? Fill out this form to receive more information.